Can’t Clone Linda
Last employee entry, I wrote about one of our most well-known employees, Pavel Fesyuk. By reading that entry, anyone could see that Pavel is a very valuable member of our team. Yet, as valuable as he is, we would be in trouble if each of our employees were just like him. In fact, if any of our office workers were just like him, we might be in trouble.
Coincidentally, we can learn a whole lot about diversity and teamwork from many of the “pests” that we are trying to help you live apart from. Take the honey bee for example. There are three different roles or castes in a honey bee colony and without any one of them the colony would not be able to function. Each colony has a queen, drones, and workers. Each caste performs a very specific function that complements and helps the rest of the colony to be successful. Without any background in entomology, it’s easy to imagine the significant role that the queen bee plays, but did you know that it is the worker bees who choose their future queen? Such power they have. The queen in turn decides the role of all the future honey bees of her colony. Whether they will be male or female and consequently drone or worker. All drones are male and their primary responsibility… we better leave that for another entry.
Humans are clearly a little more complex than honey bees. Like honey bees, we have male and female, but we also have visionaries, task-driven vs. relationship-driven people, type A personalities, introverts and extroverts, and the list goes on. The goal is getting a team of very unique individuals functioning together in an effective and healthy environment.
We’re not trying to sound like we’re bragging, but we feel like we’ve established that kind of environment here at Town & Country Pest Solutions Inc. So, maybe we are bragging in a way, but hey, we are very proud of our team and each of the individuals that make it a successful one.
One of those members that we clearly could not do without is our office administrator Linda. Every great team has someone like her, and if they don’t then I would be curious to know how they function at all. She is a vital link in the chain, that if removed, would be difficult to replace. Perhaps the reason Linda is so crucial to our operation is because of her versatility and ability to multitask, or maybe it’s simply her work ethic or experience. Each one of those skills is extremely important in our line of work, and Linda embodies all of them. Linda’s title is administrator, but she is so much more than that. I can’t think of any other analogy than that of a funnel. Crude yes, but like a funnel, everything at some point gets funneled through Linda’s desk.
When we asked Jessica, one of her office co-workers, what she appreciated about Linda, this is what she had to say.
Jessica: Linda is our office manager and works in the billing department however she definitely does a lot more than just billing! Linda is always there to help with a difficult customer [we don’t actually have any of those] or assist in any questions we have. It does not matter if she is in the middle of a project, she will always drop what she is doing to help with whatever the issue may be.
Thanks Jessica, could not have said it better myself.
As you can see from the pictures at the top of this page, Linda tries to convince everyone that she is all business, but she’s not fooling anyone, or has she? Whatever the case, Kristen, who shares an office with Linda, doesn’t seem to care.
Kristen: Linda and I have know each other for about 11 years and started working together at Town & Country Pest Solutions in the beginning of 2009 just for the summer months answering phones. Who would have known that 7 years later we would still be sharing an office at the same place of business. Linda makes coming to work so enjoyable, there is never a dull moment in our office. Over the past 7 years working side by side together we have laughed…we have cried…we have agreed…we have disagreed…we have compromised…we have come up with solutions. The point is, we compliment each other’s personalities, work styles and thought processes. Linda is very passionate and has a great work ethic. She not only gets the job done but always goes above and beyond. You can count on her to be honest with you; which is one of her greatest strengths. She is one of the most hard-working, loyal and caring individuals that I know. I am so grateful & blessed that I am able to share an office with her. She not only pushes me to be good at my job but to be a better individual. Not very many people can say that they work with their best friend but I can!!!
So there you have it…another description of an amazing, appreciated and valuable employee. Town & Country is blessed to have her on our staff, on our team and as our friend. Thanks Linda!