A few identifiers of bedbug activity.
These little bugs can cause significant damage.
A guarantee like no other.
Is it a Bed Bug?
If you think you may have a Bed Bug problem here are a few identifiers of Bedbug activity.
Bedbugs tend to feed on tender areas such as neck, face, thigh arms, lower back. Sometimes multiple bites are found in one location. Only up to 40% of the population have any reaction to bites.
Blood Stains
Either bedbug feces or blood stains from feeding, these marks are usually the first indicators of bedbug activity but may be difficult to locate
Throughout their lifetime bedbugs molt from their exoskeleton 5 times leaving behind evidence of their activity.
Only 1 mm in length and usually in discreet locations, eggs are signs of population growth and a female may lay up to 500 in her lifetime.
Live Bedbugs
Finding a live bedbug in your bed or on commonly used furniture is a definite sign of activity and likely a sign of a well established population. Try to take photos or save the bug to ensure a positive identification.
How bad can it get?
The irritation that a bedbug bite may induce is reason enough to eradicate them,
but these little bugs can cause significant damage.
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