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Rochester: (585) 426-5024 | Buffalo: (716) 249-6769 | Syracuse: (315) 214-7069

Garbage Chute High Rise Cleaning Service

    Garbage Chute High Rise Cleaning Service

    The Problem:

    1. Hidden Filth: Chutes, doors, and compactor rooms become saturated with organic matter, attracting roaches, flies, mice, and rats. The acidic material pre-maturely breaks down the chutes, compactors, and floors.
    2. Health Hazards: Odors, bacteria, and pests can spread disease and compromise the health of residents.
    3. Shortened Lifespan:Accumulated debris damages chutes and compactors, leading to costly repairs and replacements.

    The Solution: Town & Country's Specialized Services:

    1. Expert Cleaning & Disinfection: Our trained technicians deep-clean and disinfect all chute components, eradicating pests and odors at their source. We use 215 hot water/steam at 3000 psi to melt away months or years’ worth of trash.
    2. One-Time Cleans & Maintenance Plans: Choose from a single thorough cleaning or ongoing monthly, quarterly, or semi-annual maintenance for sustained sanitation.
    3. Extended Lifespan & Reduced Costs: Regular cleaning prevents damage and extends the life of your chute system, saving you money in the long run.
    4. Pest Control & Prevention: We eliminate existing infestations and implement preventative measures to deter future pest problems.
    5. Improved Building Environment: Enjoy a cleaner, healthier, and more pleasant living environment for everyone.

    Why Choose Town & Country?

    1. Years of Experience: We’ve been keeping high-rise chutes clean and safer since 1999, making us the hard-to-find and trusted choice for building managers and residents alike.
    2. Certified: Our team adheres to the highest industry standards and safety protocols.
    3. Hard to Find Solutions: Most building owners and managers often overlook the fact that this is a huge pest and health hazard. This is often because no known contractors in the Rochester area offer this service.

    Don’t wait any longer for your chute system to become a health and safety hazard.

    Contact Us Now

    To learn more and see this cleaning in action, please watch all our video content regarding Garbage Chute Cleaning to help you understand how we can benefit you and your residents. Contact Town and Country Pest Solutions today for a professional assessment and quote. (585) 426-5024


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    Eliminate the Filth and Fury

    Town & Country Restores Your High-Rise’s Garbage Chute System

    Own, manage, or Live in a multi-story building with a bustling garbage chute? You’re not just throwing away trash; you’re creating a breeding ground for pests and unpleasant odors. Don’t let your high rise suffer from the silent scourge of a neglected chute system

    Why Choose Town & Country?

    1. Years of Experience: We’ve been keeping high-rise chutes clean and safer since 1999, making us the hard-to-find and trusted choice for building managers and residents alike.
    2. Certified: Our team adheres to the highest industry standards and safety protocols.
    3. Hard to Find Solutions: Most building owners and managers often overlook the fact that this is a huge pest and health hazard. This is often because no known contractors in the Rochester area offer this service.

    Don’t wait any longer for your chute system to become a health and safety hazard.


    Hidden Filth

    Chutes, doors, and compactor rooms become saturated with organic matter, attracting roaches, flies, mice, and rats. The acidic material pre-maturely breaks down the chutes, compactors, and floors.

    Health Hazards

    Odors, bacteria, and pests can spread disease and compromise the health of residents.

    Shortened Lifespan

    Accumulated debris damages chutes and compactors, leading to costly repairs and replacements.


    Expert Cleaning & Disinfection

    Our trained technicians deep-clean and disinfect all chute components, eradicating pests and odors at their source. We use 215 hot water/steam at 3000 psi to melt away months or years’ worth of trash.

    One-Time Cleans & Maintenance Plans

    Choose from a single thorough cleaning or ongoing monthly, quarterly, or semi-annual maintenance for sustained sanitation.

    Extended Lifespan & Reduced Costs

    Regular cleaning prevents damage and extends the life of your chute system, saving you money in the long run.

    Pest Control & Prevention

    We eliminate existing infestations and implement preventative measures to deter future pest problems

    Improved Building Environment

    Enjoy a cleaner, healthier, and more pleasant living environment for everyone.


    Everything Package and Program Offerings

    The Everything Package
    Starting at
    12 Months of Complete Pest Control Coverage
    Our most popular program:Taking the sting out of summer for over 30 years!

    Initial consultation service Two seasonal prevention barriers applied per year Full coverage for 45+ pests most common to homes Send us photos/video for unlimited pest identification.

    • Free wildlife inspection ($149 value)
    • Annual Renewals
    • Discounts on all other services offered
    • Honest & effective pest control services
    The Stinging Insect Program
    Program Available Separately
    Starting at

    Our most popular program:Taking the sting out of summer for over 30 years!

    Exterior Prevention Barrier Treatments of any active nests throughout the season Ground nests covered anywhere on property Nest "Break-in" emergency calls

      Wasps and Bees Included

    • Yellow Jackets
    • Bald Faced Hornets
    • Paper Wasps
    • European Hornets
    • Grass Carrying Wasps
    • Carpenter Bees
    • Bumble Bees
    • Mason Bees
    • Mud Dauber Wasp
    The Ant Program
    Program Available Separately
    Starting at

    Designed to provide full coverage, service and prevention for any type of ant issue you may have

    Initial Treatment for problem species Spring and Fall exterior prevention barriers Unlimited Service calls Interior and Exterior coverage (within 100 feet of home)

      Ants Included
      (But not limited to)

    • Carpenter Ants
    • Field Ants
    • Citronella Ants
    • Thief Ants
    • Pavement Ants
    • Odorous House Ants
    • Acrobat Ants
    • Ghost Ants
    Occasional Intruders
    Starting at
    Single services available for each pest

    With the Everything Package, our seasonal barrier applications are expanded to include prevention against all pests listed below!

    • Spiders
    • Clover Mites
    • Earwigs
    • Centipedes
    • Field Roaches
    • Click Beetles
    • Potato Bugs
    • Oil Beetles
    • Stink Bugs
    • Lady Beetles (Asian)
    • Box Elder Bugs
    • Millipedes
    • Crickets
    • Silverfish
    • Firebrats
    • Conifer bugs
    Household and Pantry Pest
    Starting at
    Single services available for each pest

    Single services available for each pest The Everything Package additionally includes any services to identify and eradicate these propertydamaging,food and household pests.

    • Carpet Beetles
    • Indian Meal Moths
    • Grain/Flour Beetles
    • Larder Beetles
    • Cigarette Beetles
    The Rodent Program
    Starting at
    Ongoing mouse and rat protection for your home



    At Town & Country Pest Solutions we have gone to great lengths to better understand the pests that we encounter. Photos and videos have been an important tool in our research and we have included them here to help you “identify your pest.”All our images and video are copyright and are property of Town & Country Pest Solutions. Do not duplicate without written permission. Email our on-staff photographer, Ryan, if you would like permission to use or purchase any of our media.

    Get A Quote!


    To learn more and see this cleaning in action, please watch all our video content regarding Garbage Chute Cleaning to help you understand how we can benefit you and your residents. Contact Town and Country Pest Solutions today for a professional assessment and quote.

    Call Us

    (585) 426-5024
    Weekdays 8:30am to 5pm EST

    Live Chat

    You can also “Live Chat” with a customer sales representative by clicking on the “Chat Now” widget at the bottom of this page.


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