For those of you living in Upstate New York, you are getting a taste of what life in the Southern states feels like in early November. Who else thought about calling in sick and heading to Lake Ontario for a day of tropical-like sunshine?
While the large majority is, no-doubt, enjoying this Indian Summer, we are probably split when it comes to another thing we are experiencing now… Asian Lady Beetles. These ladybug look-alikes are probably using the sunny-side of your house right now to get their last bit of bronzing in before normal arctic-like temperatures return. There is good news for those of you that are not thrilled to see these orange, black-spotted, beetles swarming around your house. Call Town & Country Pest Solutions (585-426-5024) today, and we’ll make sure your property doesn’t become their permanent winter cabin.
Exterior treatments are quick, simple, and non-evasive. If however, they have already penetrated your fortress call us immediately before it becomes even more difficult to treat.