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Rochester: (585) 426-5024 | Buffalo: (716) 249-6769 | Syracuse: (315) 214-7069


    yellow jackets, hornets, wasps, stinging insects, stink bugs, box elder beetles, ants, carpenter ants, sweet ants, mice, town and country, town and country pest solutions, pest, pests, rochester, syracuse, buffalo, rochester ny, syracuse ny, buffalo ny, new york, western ny, rochester exterminators, syracuse exterminators, buffalo exterminators, bed bugs, fabry, matt fabry, extermination, hire the pros, friendly, trustworthy

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    I am thankful for the opportunity to be a part of the great team here at Town & Country.

    Outside of work I love spending time and playing games with my husband and our beautiful children.
    • I appreciate the return visit if I see any ants after the application - always attentive and helpful when I call.
      Cathleen AbbamontePittsford, NY
    • Your technician is very knowledgeable and friendly ~ great customer service!
      Lynne TobinRochester, NY
    • What a nice guy! Jordan was very polite and explained everything he was doing and what to expect after treating the house for sweet ants. I spoke with Jessica who scheduled the appointment and she was very pleasant and willing to work with our schedule. A very nice company to deal with.
      Chris PodgorskiPenfield, NY

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