Special Projects Manager
I stumbled into the pest control industry in 2004 when my now-husband, Caleb, and I started dating. Through the years I have done so many different jobs and to this day it is always fun trying to come up with my job title. I spent a few years out of the office while our 4 children were young, but when the youngest started school last year, I came back.
I currently specialize in remembering everyone’s coffee or lunch order, ordering new company merch, decorating the office, cleaning toilets, and planning the next event. I love working with everyone on the Town and Country team – it truly feels like our family.
In the family business work never really stops, but on the off days I enjoy catching the latest shows on HGTV and attempting some DIYs, long walks down the aisles at Target, volunteering at our church, and spending time with my family.
- service@townandcountrysolutions.com
- (585) 426-5024