Due to their small size and timidity, mice are not considered as bad as rats. However, they are just as capable of spreading disease and causing damage in the home, even if it is on a smaller scale. Mice are also capable of reproducing extremely quickly, so a small population of a few mice can quickly turn into a massive infestation. Let’s take a look at how fast mice can reproduce when all the right conditions are present.
The mouse reproduction cycle
A female mouse can give birth to as many as eight pups at once, and it may be pregnant for up to 10 times each year, with a gestation period of 21 days. On top of that, female mice are ready to begin reproducing immediately after giving birth, and they are capable of reproduction when they are six weeks old. So you can see how a small group of mice can quickly explode into a very large infestation, especially if they have access to ample food sources and are shielded from predators.
The lifespan of mice
On average, a mouse will live for 12 months outdoors. However, indoors, where they are safe from low temperatures, predators and starvation, mice may live up to three years. It’s easy to understand why mice evolved to live alongside us. In nature, they are pretty much at the bottom of the food chain, with even rats hunting and eating them. Indoors however, they are able to live for a good period of time and increase their numbers, until they are discovered by the homeowner and control efforts are put in place.
If you suspect that you have mice in the home, you will have to keep an eye out for several signs. It may all start with scratching or gnawing sounds at night, or a weird smell in the home. You may also find scratch marks on surfaces around the home, or grease trails where the mice travel. However, the most common sign that you may come across, and which will tell you immediately that there is an infestation, is the presence of droppings, which look like small, black, grains of rice.
If you notice any of these signs, you have to act fast. Either try to remove the infestation yourself using traps and poisons, or get in touch with a pest control professional who will remove the infestation for you. Contact us today if you choose to go with the latter option, and we will schedule an appointment.