What if a guest who is booked for a continued stay thinks he/she has found bedbugs?
You will want to be as accommodating as possible, while limiting your liability. Unless they have actually seen a...
Can Town and Country provide a reference list from past clients?
We can provide you with a very large reference list of past and present clients, please call them for...
How can you offer such an extraordinary guarantee of 6 months against bed bugs?
Because Town and Country has done the work that it takes to find a bed bug solution. We have...
Does Town and Country provide any staff support?
You are obviously in a sensitive position when a guest reports a bed bug sighting or being bitten, but...
Why does the hospitality industry have a higher rate of bed bug sightings?
We at Town and Country have that answer. There are three good reasons, and two of them will not...
Can we stay in the house while treatment is done?
While we treat, no people or pets can be in the house for 3 hours. All fish tanks need...
Why are we getting bites with no evidence of bed bugs?
Many people, who fear the thought of bedbugs or are having what they believe are bedbug rashes, are sold...
What if I can’t find any evidence?
That’s ok, finding evidence when the case is fairly new can be very difficult with ones untrained eye. (If...
Can I do my own inspection?
We suggest that you first rule out all other possible reasons before blaming bed bugs. Do your own physical...
Do bed bugs transmit any diseases?
NO. They are known carriers of many diseases, but they have not been shown to be transmitters of these...