Garden spiders, also known as orb-weaving spiders or Araneidae, are common in gardens and outdoor areas. They are known for creating large, circular webs, which they spin to catch insects for food. While their size and web-spinning behavior can be intimidating, garden spiders are generally harmless to humans and can even be beneficial by controlling pest populations. Here are some essential facts about garden spiders:
- Garden spiders have a distinctive look: They are usually large, with a body length of up to 1.5 inches and legs that can span up to 3 inches. They have a round, bulbous abdomen and long, thin legs, and are often brightly colored with patterns of black, brown, and yellow.
- Garden spiders spin large, circular webs: One of their most distinctive features is their web-spinning behavior. They spin large, circular webs that can be up to 3 feet in diameter, using a protein-based known as silk. The web is used to catch and wrap insects, which the garden spider then feeds on.
- Garden spiders can be found in a variety of habitats: They can be found in gardens, fields, forests, and wetlands, and prefer to spin their webs in open, sunny areas with a good supply of insects.
- Garden spiders tend to be passive: They are not aggressive and will not bite unless provoked. They are generally more interested in catching insects than interacting with humans, and will typically retreat if confronted.
- Garden spiders have a lifespan of up to one year: Their lifespan depends on the species and environmental conditions, and they can live for up to one year. They typically mate in the fall, and the female will lay eggs in a silken egg sac which she guards until the eggs hatch in the spring.
- Garden spiders are found worldwide: There are over 3,000 known species of garden spiders, with the most common species found in the United States being the golden garden spider (Argiope aurantia) and the cross orbweaver (Araneus diadematus). They can also be found in Europe, Asia, Africa, and South America.
In conclusion, garden spiders are common in gardens and outdoor areas. While they are not very dangerous, they can have a negative impact on the appeal of your backyard. To control a garden spider infestation, you will likely need the help of a pest control professional, who will be able to remove the visible spiders, their nests, and the spiders that are out of sight. This will ensure that all the spiders from your property are removed.
For more information about garden spiders, or if you have a garden spider infestation, contact us today.