A Lot Can Happen In A Year
A lot can happen in a year. In fact a lot does happen each and every year whether we realize it or not. Children are born, friends get married, some start a new grade in school, even go off to college, military or travel the world. All of us get a year older and unfortunately some of our loved ones may pass away, and in between all those major events, we typically do a lot of the same thing every day.
Those things we may often take for granted. Things like a hot cup of coffee, with or without a cinnamon bun. Breakfast with the family or just a simple breath of fresh air before we take on whatever the day may bring us. It usually takes something major, often painful to get us to slow down and enjoy every moment that God gives us.
That moment came for us at Town & Country a year ago to the day. On April 27th, 2015, Brett Grape, our co-worker and friend headed to work just like he would on any other day of the week. The usual goodbye to the wife and kids and off to work armed with a couple of cinnamon buns to save the office from a hangry Brett and low blood sugar. Who could know that day would be any different, but it certainly was.
The office was frozen for what seemed like hours. First, the call that Kara answered telling her Brett had gotten in an accident, followed by a quick and chaotic exit leaving the rest of us in a state of helplessness and wonder. Bits and pieces of what happened slowly trickled in through text messages, social media, an occasional phone call, and then online news reports and videos. Was he even alive?
It’s a family atmosphere here at Town & Country and what do you do when something like this happens? What can you do? Several of us prayed together in the conference room. There seemed to be a feeling that we didn’t want the time of prayer to end, because after that it was just waiting.
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Eventually, the good news started to come through. He was alive! Beaten up pretty badly but still alive. We all took turns going to visit him in the next days that followed and the good news continued. First, signs that he hadn’t lost everything physically. Then the signs that he was still with us mentally. As much as he ever was… take that however you will.
There are so many miracles involved in that accident and the recovery that words could hardly do it justice. Perhaps the rest of the story would be better told with pictures and a note from Kailey Grape, sharing her perspective of Brett’s accident and the year that followed. We can tell you this though, Brett is back! Not just sitting in a comfortable chair either. We tried to keep him in a cozy office, but he wouldn’t have it. No, he’s out there getting his hands dirty just the way he prefers.
As you look through these pictures and read what Kailey has to say, try to slow life down, if but for just a moment, and appreciate the gift that we are given every day… the present.
As I look back on this past year I can only be overwhelmed by God’s amazing grace and blessings in our life. I feel undeserving of such love and protection from the Lord and all the amazing people He has placed in our lives that were there for us in such a trying time! We are so fortunate to still have Brett with us today and with minimal effects on his life from such a terrible accident. We have learned to appreciate each other and life in a whole new light. God has changed our lives and used our trial for his honor and glory and we feel blessed to be used by him to testify of His goodness. Thank you to all who were there for us! We feel blessed to be apart of Town & Country Pest Solutions and can’t thank them enough for their support and love! What an amazing company to work for!
God Bless,
The Grape Family
“If you are too busy to pray, you are busier than God wants you to be.”
Wanda E. Brunstetter