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Rochester: (585) 426-5024 | Buffalo: (716) 249-6769 | Syracuse: (315) 214-7069

Carl P

    Carl P

    Pest Tech Team Leader

    I was blessed to join the Town & Country family at the start of 2019 and it was one of the best things that has happened to me. I truly enjoy the educational aspect of pest control and that learning is ongoing and engaging. I always give my best to my customers and great customer service is a must!

    In my free time I enjoy camping, volleyball, gaming and spending time with my 7 siblings, 3 dogs and my cat, Mufasa.

    • This was the first time we used Town & Country and we were very pleased. The technician was professional and courteous. A job well done!
      Christine EmrichRochester, NY

    Contact Town & Country for a quote today!

    ⚡️Text us to chat, this is for all service areas! ⚡️

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