Hello and thank you so much for reaching out to us today! We can definitely help you with your issue with mice/rodents as we Our rodent program will greatly reduce the population around the exterior of the home, and also prevent them from getting inside the home. Please have a look at the handouts attached as these go into great detail about what you can expect from the technician and any frequently asked questions when it comes to this issue! Once reviewed, please let me know if you have any additional questions or if you would like to get set up! The Rodent Program’s Initial Service Package starts at $499 + tax. The Initial Program includes: Expand your pest coverage and prevention: If you are interested in our rodent program, ask about our Everything Package, which protects your home against 45+ common household pests (bees, wasps, ants, spiders, stink bugs, etc.) Everything Package customers receive a discount on Rodent Program initial services. Rodent maintenance services begin at $75 + tax per visit. [Price may increase with additional stations, service needs, or travel Maintenance service includes: Maintenance services are joined with the Rodent Program set up. Maintenance is performed on a Quarterly interval. [1 visit / 3 months]The Rodent Program
Program Available Separately
have a team of highly trained technicians that will take care of
these specific needs. We also have some helpful videos regarding
both mice/rodents:WHAT IS THE COST?