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Rochester: (585) 426-5024 | Buffalo: (716) 249-6769 | Syracuse: (315) 214-7069



    Wildlife Control Technician

    Joining the team here at Town and Country has been easily one of the biggest blessings in my life. I’ve never been more excited to do a job, interact with customers, and experience something new every single day.

    I grew up with a childhood of always being outside and active but I never imagined that I would be working in pest control. I was born in the Pittsburgh Pennsylvania area and recently moved here to Rochester when I met my beautiful wife.

    I am very fortunate to be growing a family that I love, serving a God that I love, and working for a company that I love. I couldn’t ask for anything better.
    James 1:17

    • Evert visit from T & C is professional and courteous.
      Somerset CompaniesBuffalo, NY
    • Thankful that we could reschedule quickly and were not charged for the tenants forgetting to be there.
      Naomi NewcombRochester, NY
    • You do a great job. i wish renewal of the 1 year plan were more automatic.
      Susan EdelmanRochester, NY
    • Dave was great. Very friendly and knowledgeable. I hope he does all our treatments.
      Evelyn LustFairport, NY
    • Technician was very thorough and helpful.
      Tom and Jan ConantPenfield, NY
    • Got service same day! Always great!
      Ewa TurcoWebster, NY

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