Rochester: (585) 426-5024 | Buffalo: (716) 249-6769 | Syracuse: (315) 214-7069



    Springtails: What you need to know

    Identifying Characteristics

    • Springtails come in a variety of colors and shapes but most are elongated and measuring 1-2 millimeters in length
    • Their colors range from white to black, and some species are purple, red, orange, grey, yellow or multicolored
    • They hop because the cannot fly, have antennae, three pairs of legs, and a segmented body
    • They are drawn to moist and humid areas so are generally found in kitchens, bathrooms, and around windows both inside and out

    Active Season

    • Springtails can be active year-round indoors, but usually go unnoticed until household migrations occur after a period of moist weather in the Spring or early Summer

    Interesting Facts

    • Springtails are present in nearly every ecosystem worldwide, from deserts to forests to polar regions
    • Courtship behaviours for some Springtail species can involve dancing and head banging

    Cause for Concern

    • When Springtails begin to enter your home they are rarely seen, but once they are noticed, the problem has already reached a full infestation
    • A full infestation can reach tens of thousands covering the kitchen floor, sinks, tubs, basements, pool areas and patios

    Town & Country Can Help

    Customer Preparation

    • Most Springtail treatments are both interior and exterior. If an interior treatment does need to be applied, a light spray around windows and doors may leave a very light film which should be left on for as long as possible to prevent entry. People and pets will need to remain out of the house for 1 hour

    Our Guarantee

    • All treatments come with the Town and Country Guarantee!

    Contact Us Immediately

    If you have any evidence or any suspicion that this pest is around your property do NOT hesitate to contact us before the problem gets out of control.

    Call Us

    (585) 426-5024
    Weekdays 8:30am to 5pm EST

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    Weekdays 8:30am to 5pm EST

    Springtail Media Gallery

    At Town & Country Pest Solutions we have gone through great lengths to better understand the pests that we encounter. Photos and videos have been an important tool in our research and we have included them here to help you “identify your pest.”

    All our images and video are copyright and are property of Town & Country Pest Solutions. Do not duplicate without written permission. Email our on-staff photographer, Ryan, if you would like permission to use or purchase any of our media.

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      2018 Latta Road

      Rochester, NY 14612

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      Phone: (585) 426-5024

      Fax: (585) 426-8861

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